Friday, January 7, 2011

How to install hsdpa Modems in LankaNet Linux

Huawei E122 HSDPA modem and some other modems will not work out of the box with Linux 3 and Ubuntu 10.04. To make it work, Download this zip file and install included files and restart your PC.

Here is the step by step guide:

1. Just double click on these 3 deb files to install
2. Reboot
3. Plug in your HSDPA modem and wait for about 5 seconds.
4. Now, follow the instruction below with screen shots.
5. Right click on the Network Manager Icon on the gnome panel (see picture 1)

6. Click on "Edit Connections" from the menu
7. Select "Mobile Broadband" page (see picture 2)

8. Press "Add" button
9. Now you will see something similar to picture 3

10. Click on "Forward" button
11. Select "Sri Lanka" from the country list and press "Forward" (see picture 4)

12. Select your provider and press "Forward" (see picture 5)

13. Select your billing plan and press "Forward" (see picture 6)

14. In next window, press "Apply" button
15. It will take you to "Editing xxxxxxx" window. (see picture 7)

16. Put check mark to "Connect Automatically" and press "Apply"

Now you will be able to connect to the internet.
To connect, left click on the NetworkManager Icon on the gnome panel and select your Newly created Connection name.
To Disconnect, left click on the NetworkManager Icon and select Disconnect from the menu

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